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Country: Romania
SPIELBERG THEATRE Sunday, November 15, 2015 – 3:45 PM (Egyptian)
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Aliyah Dada
Country: Romania
Director: Oana Giurgiu
Producer: Tudor Giurgiu
Duration: 115 minutes
Language: English
A non-Jew Romanian, raised under the supreme Communist truth, starts a journey to discover the reality behind the Romanian jews aliyah (the return to the Holy Land). The story will bring up the adventure of the first settlers that abandoned their modern life in East Europe at end of XIX century, for surviving in a primitive way in the hostile Palestine; then will reveal best hidden horrors of the Second World War in Romania, or Romanian communists’ secret deals for “trading” the Romanian Jews to Israel, where they became the fourth group among all population. The historical tale is visually trimmed in the Dada style as a tribute to the pioneers of this movement, Tristan Tzara and Marcel Janco, two Jews of Romanian descent.