[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Country: Poland
SPIELBERG THEATRE Saturday, November 14, 2015 – 5:45 PM (Egyptian)
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Superunit / Superjednostka (2014)
Country: Poland
Director: Teresa Czepiec
Writer: Teresa Czepiec
Duration: 20 minutes
Language: Polish
Superjednostka (Polish for Superunit) is a huge block of flats designed as a ‘housing machine’. Up to three thousand people can live on 15 floors of the building. The lifts only stop every three floors so the residents must go through a maze of corridors and stairs in order to get to their flats. The main characters of the documentary are people living in Superjednostka and going through important moments of their lives there. This is where their emotions throb, their expectations engender, and their desires come true… or not. 762 flat doors and 762 stories. We are opening only a few of them.