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Country: USA
RIGLER THEATRE Saturday, November 14, 2015 – 2:45 PM (Egyptian)
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Hazel & Louis: Animal Agents (2014)
Country: USA
Director: Sy Ozcan, Marissa Madsen
Writer: Sy Ozcan, Marissa Madsen
Producer: Sy Ozcan, Marissa Madsen
Duration: 8 minutes
Language: English
Hazel & Louis Flickman are two New York transplants who live the hustling, bustling life of Hollywood agents… for animals, that is. They were at the top of their game in the 70s, and with a little chutzpah manage to keep going strong after all these years.
WINNER of the 2015 DC Shorts Filmmakers’ Favorite and DC Shorts Audience Choice awards, 2015 iOWest LA Scripted Comedy Festival for Best Video Short, 2015 Best Shorts Competition Award of Excellence