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Country: Serbia
RIGLER THEATRE Saturday, November 14, 2015 – 1:00 PM (Egyptian)
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While They Were Flying to the Moon (2015)
Country: Serbia
Director: Borisa Simovic
Writer: Borisa Simovic
Producer: Borisa Simovic
Duration: 00:20:21
Language: Serbian
The story is set in Belgrade, Serbia in 1969 on the day that Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. The city is deserted, everybody hypnotically watches TV transmission of the landing. Everybody except Tozi who is sitting alone in a bar. Suddenly Vera walks into the bar and sits a few tables away from Tozi. The two know each other from work, but are reluctant to speak to each other. This is a period of time when the atmosphere was filled with suspicion and fear of being watched. Snitching was one of the most popular tools used by the regime. Not being careful about what you say could’ve easily been a one-way ticket to prison. Tozi suspects that Vera is a snitch and for that reason he has never spoken to her before. But today, in the heat of the moment he decides to approach her.