Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsors are vital part of Arpa International Film Festival. It is our sponsors’ support that allows us to embrace the gifted filmmakers all around, making a difference. We welcome you to join the list of our 2022 Sponsors & Media Partners today.
DIAMOND ($25k)
GOLD ($10k)
SILVER ($5k)
TABLE ($3k)
ADS ($200-$1000)
Platinum Level $50,000 & up
2 Tables with VIP seating
- Inside Front Cover or Inside Back Cover in Program Booklet (8.5×11 color)
- A promotional video of Company or Individual sponsor airing on screen during Gala, placed on website and social media.
- Company or Individual sponsor name mentioned several times during Gala.
- Sponsor name/logo displayed on Red Carpet Step & Repeat
- Name/logo on all Festival marketing, promotion, and press materials:
- Website
- Media releases, social media, newsletter (with logo and link)
- Name/logo on-screen during the online portion of the festival worldwide
- Name/logo on Festival Posters and Ads
DIAMOND ($25k)
Diamond Level $25,000 & up
2 Tables
- 2 Full Page Ad in Program Booklet (8.5×11 color)
- Sponsor name/logo displayed on Red Carpet Step & Repeat
- Name/logo on all Festival marketing, promotion, and press materials:
- Website
- Media releases, social media, newsletter (with logo and link)
- Name/logo on-screen during the online portion of the festival worldwide
- Name/logo on Festival Posters and Ads
GOLD ($10k)
Gold Level $10,000 & up
1 Table
- 1 Full Page Ad in Program Booklet (8.5×11 color)
- Sponsor name/logo displayed on Red Carpet Step & Repeat
- Name/logo on all Festival marketing, promotion, and press materials:
- Website
- Media releases, social media, newsletter (with logo and link)
- Name/logo on-screen during the online portion of the festival worldwide
- Name/logo on Festival Posters and Ads
SILVER ($5k)
Silver Level $5,000 & up
6 Gala Tickets
- Sponsor name/logo displayed on Red Carpet Step & Repeat
- Name/logo on all Festival marketing, promotion, and press materials:
- Website
- Media releases, social media, newsletter (with logo and link)
- Name/logo on one screen during online portion of the festival worldwide
TABLE ($3k)
Table Sponsor $3,000
10 Gala Tickets
- Name/logo on all Festival marketing, promotion, and press materials:
- Website
- Media releases, social media, newsletter (with logo and link)
- Name/logo on one screen during online portion of the festival worldwide
ADS ($200-$1000)
Advertising Opportunities
Festival Program Booklet (8″x10.5″ in color)
- Full Page – $1,000
- Half Page – $500
- Quarter Page – $350
- Business Card – $200
2020 Sponsors

2020 Collaborators

Official Digital Cinema Provider

Media Partners